Sunday, April 4, 2010

Eyes Wide Open

We are about to be exposed in Luke to something new a parable.  This is a story used to illustrate a principle of spiritual teaching.   These are very powerful ways to make a point.  A wise student of God's word understands when a narative is a parable and when it isn't.  This one is easy the verse tells us.

Luke 6:39 He also told them this parable: "Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit? 40 A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.
Here is a warning about who you follow.  Where are they taking you?  This is a recurring theme from Jesus, because he knows that Satan will first try to deceive those who lead, because they in turn will deceive their followers.   To listen to Satan is to be blinded.  Blinded to what?  Blinded to the truth.

What happens when we follow someone who is blind?  They will attempt to guide us away from the pit, our downfall.  But instead because of their blindness they will lead us right into the pit with them.

Looking back at prior verses and the circumstances of Jesus teaching, we can imagine this is another example of a warning against the teaching of the Pharisees.  The Pharisees put an emphasis on outward obedience.  Following traditional law.  Your actions more important than your heart.  

However Jesus speaks about going beyond traditional observance.  It's about the heart.  "Love your enemies",  "pray for those who mistreat you", "give to everyone who asks"...  Jesus is calling us to awake from blindness.  He has a story of compassion, forgiveness and restored relationships.

As you start this week open your eyes.  Don't be blind.  Seek your wisdom and teaching from Jesus.

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