In the early 70s while I was still in high school their was a planned peace March which I think was national, though it could have been regional, to protest the war in Vietnam. Of course my friends were going, we got a ride over to a meeting place in a nearby town and then marched (walked) carrying candles and singing peace songs the only one I remember of course is “All We Are Asking is Give Peace a Chance”. The news cameras caught my friends and I marching, though I didn’t see it myself, many adults in my life commented on it. That was at a time when to end up on the news was a big deal. Anyway we arrived at the local High School where local ministers made speeches on how we needed to end the war in Vietnam and then we would have peace. Well the war ended, but the cold war went on, the cold war ended, and then we had terrorist attacks which eventually let up to 911 and the war on terror, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq. Of course this is only an American perspective. There have been numerous wars in Africa over the past several decades. We have again begun to see small groups in America calling for peace and the old song has been revived “Give Peace a Chance”.
Well what does this have to do with this blog?? Isn’t this a blog about searching for a Savior? Well let’s look at the culture of Israel at the time we have been reading about in the first chapter of Luke. The nation of Israel was occupied by the Romans. What was this occupation like? The Roman’s allowed the Israelites to worship as they liked, they could have their own king, they were free to travel and live normal lives. They were required to pay taxes to Rome, their were Roman soldiers occupying the country and the citizens were subject to Roman law. During the 1st and 2nd century AD is the period of the “Pax Romana”. When the interior of the Roman Empire remained largely untouched by warfare, the Pax Romana was an era of relative tranquility in which Rome endured neither major civil wars, such as the perpetual bloodshed of the third century AD, nor serious invasions, such as those of the Second Punic War three centuries prior. During this time, Roman commerce thrived, unhampered by piracy or marauding enemy troops.
Yet the nation of Israel was one of the most troubled of the countries under Roman rule. The Israelites resented the Roman occupation, and their small rebellions. The people looked for God to provide the Messiah that would deliver them from the Roman’s and set their country free to live in true peace, protected by the forces of other countries. We all are desiring to live in freedom, with peace from conflict. We are all looking for a savior to save us from our enemies. So now lets look at a couple of verses again in Luke in light of this desire for peace.
Luke 1:47 And my Spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior
This is part of the song that Mary sang that we studied several weeks ago. God is viewed as the Savior providing the promise to the people of Israel of a Messiah.
Luke 1:79 To give light to those who sit in darkness and shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
This is the proclamation by Zachariah at the birth of John the Baptist. We again see the desire for salvation that leads to peace. Now lets look ahead at a couple of more verses in Luke
Luke 2:29 Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to your word: 30 For my eyes have seen your salvation.
These are the words of Simeon as he took the baby Jesus into his arms. He was a man that spent every day waiting for the promise of God’s Messiah. His use of the word peace is not the kind of peace that comes from lack of war and armed conflict. But a peace from knowing the fulfillment of God’s promises. Of knowing God’s salvation.
As Israel looked for peace from Rome, the same as we look for peace from those who hate America. We both run the risk of missing the true peace from God. The peace of being right with Him, by accepting Jesus as our Savior.
Finally Jesus promised to His disciples.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
It is clear that we through our human endeavors can not ever achieve the kind of peace we imagine where all the nations get along together. This is a false hope embodied in the Paul McCartney song “Imagine”. This will not happen with a world in the midst of spiritual warfare, in rebellion to God, where in a sense every man is pursuing his own desires.
I would ask you to give peace a chance, by not running away from God, but running to God for salvation and accepting Jesus death on the cross for your sins. If you have any questions please post as comments and I will do my best to lead you to see the truth as revealed in God’s Word.
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