Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Heart Attitude

As a reminder over the next several weeks I will be keeping these posting short until my right hand heels.  I thank you for your patience as it will be especially difficult with so much to cover in today's passage.

We will be looking at Luke 5:17-26.  I am not going to copy it into today's posting, if you do not have a Bible handy, you can see the quoted passage from the last posting.

Here are some themes from this passage that we will look at one at a time over the next several weeks.
  • The challenge of the Scribes and Pharisees
  • The faith of the friends
  • The priority and power to forgive sins
  • The healing
  What should be our attitude toward the Scribes and Pharisees?    It would appear in this passage they have come to listen to Jesus not because they are searching for a savior but there is concern that first John the baptist and now Jesus is attracting peoples attention by speaking about their relationship with God.  As you saw from my notes in my last posting this is stepping on the toes of the Scribes and Pharisees.  They held the authority to tell the people about what God requires of them.

When Jesus tells the paralyzed man his sins are forgiven, the Scribes and Pharisees immediately find their opening to condemn Jesus.  Because of the crowds it would appear that their comments were made amongst themselves.  They accuse Jesus of blasphemy.  Essentially that Jesus is bringing insult to God.  If they don't believe Jesus is the Son of God, then they will reject Jesus doing something that only God can do.

Though Jesus was not meant to hear the Scribes and Pharisees, he perceived their thoughts.  He indicates that their thoughts are a result of their heart attitude.  "Why are you reasoning in your hearts?"  

Jesus is not concerned  with the position that the Scribes and Pharisees hold in the community.  Neither is he concerned with their memorization of scripture.  He is not impressed with their holiness.  Jesus is concerned with the heart.  Jesus knew their hearts.  He knew that their reasoning was a result of their heart attitude.  As we will discover in later passages the Scribes and Pharisees were arrogant, proud, self righteous and eventually plotted to have Jesus crucified. 

Our heart attitude toward God and the Savior can have profound effect on our reasoning. Is your attitude one of faith and trust in Jesus like the paralytic in this passage?  Or are you skeptical, arrogant, proud and worried that a faith in Jesus will mean giving up your ability and authority to be in control?  The chouice is yours.  I pray that the Holy Spirit will open your heart to God's Word, so that you can find the truth as you Search for the Savior?

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