Well here it is Christmas Eve. This morning my sister-in-law came over to start the fig pudding. Had a chance to play with Andrew my nephew. The rest of the day was bringing in the wood, cleaning up in the family room and garage, along with puttering on projects around the house.
I now have a break to reflect on the significance of the celebration of Christ birth, while waiting on the kids to show up for supper. They will all be here the plan is to have supper, go to the Christmas Eve service at the church and then dessert at Heather's our oldest daughter.
I always have the same thoughts this time of year. I think of my family, friends and co-workers. Do they know that this isn't just a casual celebration? That the birth of Jesus is one of the most significant events since the creation. What God has done by sending His only Son is to demonstrate a love far beyond our imaginings. We are truly a hurting and sinful people. Despite injustice, violence, broken homes and relationships we live in a world that denies there is sin.
You might be thinking that faith is for some people. You might also think that Christianity is just another religion. I just want to call your attention to 2 verses only.
Luke 2:10 But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. NKJS
The news of Jesus birth is for all people. This is great news. We have a choice on whether to accept this good news.
The next thing I think about is that so many folks are hurting this holiday. Those I know, those I don't know. Some are lonely. Some have lost a loved one. Some have suffered abuse. Some have suffered from physical hardship. Some are in the hospital. Some are in the military overseas. Some can't buy presents for their kids. Some will go hungry. Some are dying. Some are lost. Some are homeless.
As we celebrate what God has done, I don't think we can simply ignore the suffering around us. Truly Jesus birth is good news. Truly He is the only hope we can have. As a result of God's gift to us we need to be praying for those who are suffering. We need to be reaching out to help. We need to be the light on a hill.
Please join me this night in praying for those who are lost, praying for those who are suffering and remembering to celebrate what God has done for us, by doing for others.